Home Made Cream Cheese - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Monday, February 29, 2016

Home Made Cream Cheese


This is fun to make, quick together with surprisingly tasty !! It exclusively takes iii ingredients together with makes almost v 1/2 ounces of cream cheese.

4 cups WHOLE milk
2-3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (see banking firm notation below)
1/4 teaspoon tabular array table salt (OR) 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt

Use a heavy saucepan (so it doesn't scorch), oestrus the milk (stirring constantly) until it comes to a boil.

Once it starts to boil, plough the oestrus downwards to medium (keep stirring) together with add together the lemon juice one tablespoon at a time...........waiting i infinitesimal betwixt each improver (important, proceed stirring). (see banking firm notation below close total of lemon juice.

Fairly chop-chop (less than a minute) the milk volition outset to curdle together with the curds volition float, leaving a fairly clear, faint light-green liquid nether the curds.  

Pour everything through a strainer that is lined alongside cheesecloth. Let it stain together with cool for close xx minutes. The strained curds volition expect similar this:

After the curds induce got drained together with cooled, pose them inward a nutrient processor together with procedure for close iii minutes, or until real smooth.  Add the tabular array salt together with procedure for about other fifteen (or so) seconds. 

Cover tightly together with chill.
This recipe makes almost v 1/2 ounces 
of cream cheese

Note close the lemon juice: With the WHOLE MILK that I use, it exclusively takes two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice to instruct perfect curds, but you lot mightiness involve that third tablespoons alongside a dissimilar construct of milk (just induce got that third tablespoon ready, simply inward case).

There is no lemon flavour inward this finished cream cheese. If you lot are going to add together herbs or other flavors, add together them earlier you lot chill the cheese.

Store inward fridge.


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