Barley Soup - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Barley Soup

Barley is the largest grain crop globally,after wheat and corn.Barley is mostly used in breads,soups and stews.Barley is a major cereal grain ,rapidly been gaining popularity over the past few years due to the various health benefits.Although barley may not be as popular as other whole grains like oats,wheat,quinoa,barley has more good health benefits.A very high in fiber content,vitamins,and minerals,antioxidants.Barley is lower in fat and calories,but higher in dietary fiber and minerals.This above information I collected from wiki.Coming to my story I grown up in a hot atmosphere where we used to drink barley every day in summer.During my childhood days I used to enjoy drinking barley water.Usually when you are not feeling well or fever  barley gives lot relief to our body.Here is the simple barley soup recipe below.

  • Barley Powder 4tbspn
  • Barley seeds 2 tbspn
  • Bayleaf 1( optional)
  • olive oil 2 tbspns or may use butter
  • water 4 cups or needed
  • Onion 1/2 finely chopped(Small onion)
  • carrot chopped finely 1
  • Beans chopped finely 10 to 12
  • cabbage chopped finely 1/4 cup
  • capsicum or bell pepper very small piece finely chopped
  • spring onions chopped finely 1
  • Ginger small piece minced
  • Garlic 2 to 3 minced
  • pepper 1/2 tspn
  • green chilli sliced vertically 2
  • salt to taste.

  • Fry 1 cup barley in a pan until Barley changes color and nice aroma comes out from barley.This should be done in medium flame.( around 10 mins)
  • keep 2 tbspn of Barley aside and grind remaining barley into fine powder( need not be very fine mine was little coarse.
  • Take 4 cups of water in a bowl mix 4 tbspns of barley powder in this water,start boiling until it start bubbling.Then,keep in slow flame for 10 mins.Barley broth is ready.
  • Press saute mode in instant pot add oil,once hot add onions garlic ginger bayleaf,for one min then add chopped veggies.
  • Fry everything few mins then add Barley broth  followed by barley seeds.Finally check salt and pepper.
  • Keep instant pot in soup mode.It takes around 30 mins.You may wait for normal release or can do quick release.
  • Enjoy hot healthy soup!

Those who don't have instant pot can boil everything in stove stop in slow falme for 30 mins.
You can reduce or increase water as per your taste.
You can filter barley broth if you feel your grinded barley is coarse.

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