Stuffed Idli Sandwich - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stuffed Idli Sandwich

Idli is a traditional breakfast in south Indian households.Idli is a savory cake of south India that is most popular through out the country.Most often eaten as breakfast or as a snack,idlis are usually served in pairs with chutney, sambar or mixtures of dry spices.I usually cook idli once in week. I keep variations in chutney.Now this time it was a little challenging as I wanted to prepare something for my picky eater  who just started her school after long summer break..  .That's when I tried stuffed idli (concept suggested by one of my friend,Vaishali). To my surprise this time lunch box came out empty fully satisfied.Here goes my wonderful recipe.Iam posting this recipe in BM#55 under the theme healthy breakfast recipes.


  •  Idli batter ( for 12 idlis)( I use idli rava 2 cups and urad dal 1 cup for idli batter)
  •  1 small onion finely chopped 
  • 2 potatoes 
  • 1 carrot
  • green peas( 2 to 3 tbspns)
  • Turmeric powder 1/4 tspn
  • Mustard seeds 1/4 tspn
  • Oil 1tbspn
  • chilli powder very less( optional )
  • salt to taste ( very less)


  • Heat oil in a pan,add mustard seeds when it starts spluttering add finely chopped onions.when onions fry well add boiled and mashed potatoes,other veggies and fry well.( you may use your choice of stuffing but make sure stuffing should be dry so that it can go as a binding)

  • Take a lemon size bowl of the stuffing and pat it as a thin patties to be place above the batter.

  • Now take 3 tbspn of  thick idli batter and pour it in idli moulds and keep the flattened stuffing patty in the batter slowly( place the patty carefully else the stuffing may sink in the batter)

On top of each stuffed batter again pour 2 tbspn of batter just to cover the top,and cook it for 20 mins or until idli is well cooked .Yummy stuffed idli is ready.

Tips: always make sure  batter should be thick.
         use more batter in the bottom than top portion.

       Check out for fellow bloggers in BM#55


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