Chenna Poda - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chenna Poda

Chenna poda is a cheese dessert from the state of Odisha in eastern India.It is made of well kneaded homemade cottage cheese or chenna,sugar and nuts and is baked for few mins till it is brown. Chenna poda is usually made at home during traditional festivals in Odisha. .It is also served in traditional road side stalls. Chenna poda literally means burnt cheese.It is simple easy absolutely delicious dessert. When ever I visit orissa I love to,eat this sweet.This time when I  go to India sure I won't miss this sweet. Here I prepared with frozen paneer as I don't get enough time to cook paneer  at home..I'm posting this simple paneer or cottage cheese dessert called Chenna poda in Bm#50 under the theme one ingredient different dishes.Here goes my recipe.


  • Paneer 1 cup( preferably fresh paneer)
  • Sooji or semolina 1 tbspn( Soaked in water for 5 mins and drained)
  • Sugar 1/2 cup
  • Ghee 1 Tspn
  • Milk 1 tbspn
  • Nuts chopped 2 tbspn
  • Cardamom powder 1/4 tspn


  • Take a bowl ,add paneer mix it smoothly.Add sugar to it.
  • Now add sooji,milk,ghee, dry fruits and cardamom powder,mix it thoroughly
  • To get a caramelized effect apply a tablespoon of ghee to the bottom of the baking dish,sprinkle with sugar and hold it slightly above gas stove for few mins.
  • When it changes the color or caramelized,then pour the paneer mixture  over the sugar
  • Bake it in a preheated panggangan at 350F around 25 to 30 mins.
  • Check inserting a tooth pick.If it comes out clean,then it is 10 to 15 few mins then ready to eat .you can cut into desired shape and enjoy..

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