Sorakai Nuvula Koora( Bottle Gourd Seesame Curry) - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sorakai Nuvula Koora( Bottle Gourd Seesame Curry)

This south Asian squash is indeed bottle shaped,light green and long ,usually called bottle gourd.The flesh inside is spongy.Bottle gourd or lauki is over 90% water therefore it is easy to digest.Ayurveda recommends cooked lauki or bottle gourd for better digestion.It is cooling calming,and contains many vitamins and minerals such as calcium,magnesium,phosphorus,vitaminA. Usually I cook bottle gourd and moong dal. It.It is wonderful in taste.But, today I cook bottle gourd without tomatoes using seesame seeds combination.combination. Iam posting this recipe in BM#62 under the theme 'NO TOMATO GRAVIES" is my recipe.


  • Bottle gourd 1 medium size
  • seesame seeds 2 tbspns
  • red chilies  2 to 3
  • onion 1 chopped
  • chilli powder 1/4 tspn
  • garlic 3 pods( crushed)
  • jeera 1/2tspn
  • mustard 1/2 tspn
  • daniya(coriander) powder 1 tspn
  • oil 2 tbspns
  • salt to taste

  • Heat a pan add seesame seeds,fry well until they are slightly browned and roasted well.keep aside.
  • Heat oil in pan,add mustard,jeera seeds.When they splutter add chopped onions,garlic redchilllies followed by turmeric and salt.
  • close the lid and let it cook few mins until water comes out from bottle gourd.
  • Remove the lid,add chilli powder ,daniya powder saute few mins then add roasted seesame powder.
  • Add little water( 3 to 4 tbspns) cook few more mins.Yummy bottle gourd curry is ready.Enjoy with rice or roti.
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