Neer Dosa( Karnataka Special) - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Neer Dosa( Karnataka Special)

Neer dosa is a traditional Karnataka breakfast.There is small story behind the dosa. Actually I have learnt this dosa from one of my friend Sushma who is from Mangalore. When her Mother in law visited her home she prepared these dosas as one of her Grand son's birthday party dishes.Till then I never know neer dosa.

I  learnt many dishes from my friend and her mother in law.Her mom in law is a fabulous cook and a great person.I have many recipes in my draft which I master from her.This is one of the recipe.Basically in this recipe everyone uses raw sona masoori rice but Aunty told me to use par boiledrice or idli rice instead of white rice,which adds more taste and  good for health.With just few ingredients this dosa can be prepared very easily.Posting this recipe in BM#73 UNDER THE THEME" FLAVORS OF INDIA"


  • Parboiled rice  2 cups or Idli rice or Regular sona masoori rice same quantity
  • Grated coconut 1/2cup
  • salt to taste
  • water required


  • Soak rice overnight or 5 to 6 hrs in enough water if using sona masoori rice 4 hrs soaking time is fine.
  • Wash the rice and grind into fine smooth paste along with coconut.
  • Transfer the batter in a bowl and add water to make into  thin buttermilk consistency.It should not be thick nor too thin consistency.
  • Heat a nonstick pan and let it become hot,once it is hot reduce the stove to medium and slowly pour the laddle of dosa batter on the pan just by dropping in the sides and spreading all over.
  • slowly flip  dosa the other side for 30 sec and transfer into a plate or else you may cover the dosa one side and cook.
  • These dosas can be eaten directly with chutney or chicken curry .

Chutney recipes;

Coconut raw onion chutney:

  • onion 1/4(small)
  • coconut grated 1/2cup(fresh or frozen)
  • tamarind pulp 1 tspn
  • jaggary small piece(1/4tspn)
  • Red chillies 5( you may reduce or increase the chilli quntity)

For tempering:

  • oil 1tbspn
  • mustard seeds 1tspn
  • curry leaves 1 spring


  • Fry redchillies in 1 tspn of oil for 1 min.
  • Transfer all ingredients including redchillies, into blender and blend until smooth.
  • Heat tbspn of oil in pan,when hot add the tempering.Mix this in the grinded chutney.Yummy onion coconut chutney is ready.This chutney is very good with Neer dosa.

Capsicum chutney

  • Redbell pepper or red capsicum 1(big)
  • 1/2 onion( medium size)
  • redchillies 4
  • jaggary 1/4 tspn( small piece)
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • Peanuts 1/2cup
  • Tamarind pulp 1 tspn

  • chop onion,bell pepper,garlic, into small pieces.
  • Heat oil in pan,when hot add these chopped vegetables and fry very well until golden brown.( THIS IS THE KEY STEP)
  • Dry Roast peanuts until golden Brown in another  pan and remove the skin.
  • Squeeze the pulp from tamarind(small lemon size)
  • Grind all ingredients into puree without adding any water.Yummy chutney is ready.You can have with any kind of dosas.

check out for fellow marathoners doing BM#73

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