Vanilla Ice Cream - Cha's Kitchen Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vanilla Ice Cream

Ice cream is a frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert.vanilla is frequently used to flavor ice cream,especially in North America and Europe.No fancy flavours can beat the ultimate creamy classic vanilla ice cream.coming to ice creams,I'm not much ice cream lover,as I don't eat much cold items as I always caught sore throat and cough easily soon I had ice cream.My kids love it ,and have few ice creams in the freezer.Now this time I signed up for ice creams in this marathon just  wanted to try basic ice creams.Today I'm posting simple vanilla ice cream in Blogging marathon 53 under the theme ice creams.My kids love this soft melt in mouth simple vanilla ice goes my recipe.


  • Milk 1 1/2 cup(250 ml cup)
  • Heavy cream 1 cup
  • Eggs 4( only egg yolks)
  • sugar 8 oz( can use vanilla sugar)
  • vanilla extract 1 tbspn


  • Take a large deep bowl,boil milk and heavy cream in medium heat or until you see bubbles.(5 to 10 mins)stir in between to avoid burnt in the bottom.switch off the stove when you see bubbles.
  • In another bowl whisk the egg yolks until fluffy.Gradually add sugar whisk together until they combine.
  • Mix this egg mixture in the above cream milk mixture'  gradually adding small amounts.(can mix when it is hot)
  • Transfer this mixture to another pan,and cook on low flame,until it just thickens and coats the spoon.this takes around 10 mins)
  • Pour the mixture in the freezing bowl and allow it to cool for30mins.Now add vanilla extract.
  • Keep in the airtight container and freeze  around.6 to 8 hrs.
  • Enjoy lezat vanilla ice cream.

Check our for fellow marathoners in BM#53

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